Epelbaum Corporation

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Epelbaum Corporation

Opening hours

5304 Brookview Dr, USA
Boynton Beach, Florida 33437


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Epelbaum Corporation is dedicated to providing top-notch Appliance Repair Service in Boynton Beach. With years of experience, our team expertly handles a variety of household appliances, ensuring they function efficiently and effectively. Whether it's a malfunctioning washer or dryer, we diagnose and fix issues promptly, saving you time and stress. Moreover, we are also renowned for swift and effective Refrigerators Repair in Boca Raton. Our skilled technicians are equipped to address any problem, from cooling issues to electrical faults. Trust Epelbaum Corporation for reliable, timely service that keeps your home running smoothly. Don't wait—let our expert technicians restore your peace of mind. Call us now!

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